Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Not All Bootlegs Are Created Equal

I just want to make a quick note that if you don't collect with the intention of reselling, and you don't care about the worth of your figures, or whether they're legit, and you don't care about supporting the companies who originally created the products, and you just want to create a decent-looking display of figures for a very low price, then by all means, buy bootlegs.  They do have the advantage of being significantly cheaper than the real things, and they don't always look too bad.  I have a few bootlegs myself (err... purchased for research purposes, of course) that actually look almost identical to the originals and have found nice places for display in my room.  Many bootlegs do look like crap, feel like crap, fall apart, and are just all-around bad toys, but if you're looking to save money and never gain any, you can always take your chances.

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